The Occurrence of Ruppia maritima L. (Ruppiaceae, Tracheophyta) in the Drainage Waters of Yazd Province (Yazd, Iran)

Document Type : Original Article


1 National Artemia Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Urmia, Iran

2 National Artemia Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Uramia, Iran

3 Salinity Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Institute, Yazd, Iran


Aquatic ecosystems, with their water and sediment characteristics, support a high diversity of life forms, from microscopic plankton to macrophytes and fish providing essential ecosystem services to mankind. The aquatic plant species Ruppia maritima were sampled near Turkan village, Harat County, Yazd province, central zone of Iran, in May 2024. The identification and determination of the sampled plants, were performed by internal specialist scientists and references (Flora of Iran, vol. (. The density of this plant regularly is very low in central zone of Iran. This species belonged to kingdom plantae, phylum tracheophyta, class Angiosperms, order Najadales, family Ruppiaceae, gunus Ruppia and species maritima. R. maritima is a thread-thin, grasslike annual or perennial herb which grows from a rhizome anchored shallowly in the wet substrate. It produces a long, narrow, straight or loosely coiled inflorescence tipped with two tiny flowers. The plant often self-pollinates, but the flowers also release pollen that reaches other plants as it floats away on bubbles. It is a cosmopolitan species (the distribution of the species is worldwide). It is frequently observed in tropical and semi-tropical areas, seas or oceans. This species grows on clay and clay-sandy substrates texture with rhizome or plant’s separated parts and is primary producer in saline water bodies. Moreover, this plant provides suitable shelter for many aquatic life forms’ nursery. Saline municipal wastewater treatment is a challenging environmental issue in coastal cities, due to the discharge of saline water into the sewers. R. maritima is a potential species to be used as an organism to treat wastewater in population centers.


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