The Effect of Some Environmental Factors on Biomass and Agar Content of Gracilaria corticata (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta)


1 Department of Marine Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Agronomy, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

3 Fisheries Research Center of Bandar Abbas, Iran

4 Research Station of Mollusks of Persian Gulf, Bandar Lengeh, Iran


The effects of some environmental parameterson biomass and agar yield of Gracilariacorticatawere examined under laboratoryconditions. The macroalga was collected fromnatural tidal pool with in Bostaneh coast (thePersian Gulf) in May 2004. In the laboratory,biomass and agar yield were measured after 45days examining effect of different temperatures(24, 27 and 32°C), photon irradiances (24, 66and 94 photons m-2s-1), and concentrations ofammonium phosphate [unenriched seawater(0), 0.04 and 0.08gl-1] in culture. Except forconcentration of ammonium phosphate, otherenvironmental variables showed no significantrelationship (P>0.05) with biomass and agarcontent of G. corticata. The agar yield derivedfrom the alga cultivated at 0.08gl-1 ammoniumphosphate (22.40±1.81%) was significantlygreater than the other treatments that makes G.corticata one of the commercial agarophytes(p<0.05).


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