Lecturer, Faculty of biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Shahid Beheshti university
Professor, Faculty of biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Shahid Beheshti university
The study of morphometric measurements of two morphologically similar charophytes, Chara vulgaris L. and Chara gymnophylla A. Braun from fresh water habitats can distinguish them from each other. Although both species differ in some characters but morphological differences are problematic when they co-occur in the same lakes, rivers or springs. Morphological differences given in identification keys couldn’t distinguish species and subspecies in the field. Therefore, additional characteristics were measured and suggested as useful features in differences of both species and their subspecies. Individuals of both species were collected in the vegetation seasons 2009 and 2013. Morphometric measurements and Statistical tests were done on 19 different quantitative and qualitative characters, number of branchlet corticated segments revealed the most significant difference. Branchlet/internode length ratio, characteristics of end segment: number of cells, number of corticated segments, end segment length were differed in Chara vulgaris and C. gymnophylla varieties. We applied these features as a useful morphometry characters for differentiation, particularly under conditions where both species co-occur.
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Ahmadi, A. , , Riahi, H. , and Sheidai, M. . "Identification of Two Morphologically Similar Charophytes using Morphometric Characteristics:Chara vulgaris and Chara gymnophylla", Plant, Algae, and Environment, 1, 1, 2017, 3-10.
Ahmadi, A., Riahi, H., Sheidai, M. (2017). 'Identification of Two Morphologically Similar Charophytes using Morphometric Characteristics:Chara vulgaris and Chara gymnophylla', Plant, Algae, and Environment, 1(1), pp. 3-10.
A. Ahmadi , H. Riahi and M. Sheidai, "Identification of Two Morphologically Similar Charophytes using Morphometric Characteristics:Chara vulgaris and Chara gymnophylla," Plant, Algae, and Environment, 1 1 (2017): 3-10,
Ahmadi, A., Riahi, H., Sheidai, M. Identification of Two Morphologically Similar Charophytes using Morphometric Characteristics:Chara vulgaris and Chara gymnophylla. Plant, Algae, and Environment, 2017; 1(1): 3-10.