Faculty of biology sciences and Biotechnology, Shahid Beheshti University
Faculty of life sciences and Biotechnology, Shahid Beheshti University
AbstractChara is an interesting genus from cytologicalview has been extensively worked out inEurope and North America, but there is a few reportson Asian Charophytes. Chromosome numberwere determined for 10 species of Charafrom 33 populations. Chromosome counts wereas follows: C. connivens, n=14, C. contraria, n=28; C. crassicaulis, n=21; Chara gymnophyllavar. gymnophylla, n=14; Chara gymnophyllavar. rohlenae, n=14; C. kirghisorum, n=14; C.kohrangiana, n=21, C. socotrensioides, n=14;C. tomentosa, n=14; Chara vulgaris var. longibracteata,n=28 and Chara vulgaris var. vulgaris,n=28. Authors made cytological studiesof Iranian charophytes in twelve taxa which 10taxa are new for Iran and five taxa are new forscience.
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Ahmadi, A. , Sheidai, M. and Riahi, H. (2017). Some New Records of Chromosome Numbers in Iranian Charophytes. Plant, Algae, and Environment, 1(2), 111-116.
Ahmadi, A. , , Sheidai, M. , and Riahi, H. . "Some New Records of Chromosome Numbers in Iranian Charophytes", Plant, Algae, and Environment, 1, 2, 2017, 111-116.
Ahmadi, A., Sheidai, M., Riahi, H. (2017). 'Some New Records of Chromosome Numbers in Iranian Charophytes', Plant, Algae, and Environment, 1(2), pp. 111-116.
A. Ahmadi , M. Sheidai and H. Riahi, "Some New Records of Chromosome Numbers in Iranian Charophytes," Plant, Algae, and Environment, 1 2 (2017): 111-116,
Ahmadi, A., Sheidai, M., Riahi, H. Some New Records of Chromosome Numbers in Iranian Charophytes. Plant, Algae, and Environment, 2017; 1(2): 111-116.