Study of Algal Flora of the 15th Khordad Dam


1 Deparment of Biology, Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch, Saveh, Iran

2 Qom Province Water & wastewater Company, Qom, Iran


Algae have been described as more than1800 genera and 2100 species which are differentin terms of the biology, size, structure,and physiology. In this study, the phytoplanktonpopulations of 15 khordad dam reservoir inQom Province were determined. Four samplingsites were selected for this study. Sampling wascarried out from January 2014 to June 2015 toassess algal flora and frequency of phytoplanktons.The results showed that Phytoplanktonassemblage comprised several taxa from Diatomaceae(41.1%), Dinoflagellaceae (32.5%),Chlorophyceae (23.2%) and Cyanophyceae(3.2%). Among identified taxa, Cyclotella fromDiatomaceae, Peridinium from Dinoflagellaceae,Chlorella from Chlorophyceae and Oscillatoriafrom Cyanophyceae being the predominantgenera in each phylum. The maximumand minimum frequencies were recorded at onemeter depth in west side edge during June andat five meter depth in the east side edge of thereservoire during December, respectively.


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