Dried Seaweed (Sargassum ilicifolium) as an Adsorbent for Phosphorous Removal from Aqueous Solutions


1 Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute (IFSRI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization

2 Inlan Water Aquatic Stock Assessment, Gorgan

3 Faculty of agriculture, University of Gorgan


Aquaculture is a source of significantamounts of wastes, which generally leads todeterioration of water quality. Removal ofphosphorous (P) from aquaculture wastewateris an important environmental challenge.In the present study, efficacy of dry sea weed(Sargassum ilicifolium) to remove water P wasinvestigated under laboratory conditions. Severallevels of medium pH (3.5-10), initial Pconcentration (0.015-0.45mgl-1), contact time(7-60min), particle size (0.5-5mm) and the seaweed particle concentration (10-40gl-1) havebeen monitored. The results showed a high efficiencyof the sea weed to remove water P underdifferent conditions (83.1-97.7% P removal).Among the tested pH, 3.5 had the lowestP removal. P removal linearly increased alongwith time progress. The lowest P removal wasobserved in the lowest initial P concentration(0.015mg/l), however, there was no significantdifference among the groups with initial P concentrationof 0.15-0.45 mg/l. P removal in 10g/lsea weed concentration was significantly lowerthan those of 20 and 40g/l. P removal significantlyincreased with decrease in sea weed particlesize. Regression analysis showed that theweight of factors to remove P from the mediumwas as follow: particle size (β = -0.659)> particleconcentration (β = 0.427)> time (β = 0.227)>initial P concentration (β = 0.190)> medium pH(β = 0.113). In conclusion, dry S. ilicifolium iscapable to efficiently remove P from wastewaterat aquaculture-relevant concentration. TheP removal capability of the seaweed markedlyincreases by decrease in particle size and increasein particle concentration in medium.


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