National Artemia research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Urmia, Iran
Afagh Non profitable High Education Institute, Urmia, Iran
The effects of water physico- chemical factorson phytoplankton communities of Shahrchaidam reservoir were studied. 6 samplingsites were chosen along Shahrchai dam and surfaceand deep layers were sampled during 3 seasonsin 2015-2016. In this study, phytoplanktonsamples were fixed with 4% formalin and transferredto laboratory. Identification and enumerationof the phytoplankton were performed byinverted microscope equipped with 5 ml countingchamber. Totally 34 species of phytoplanktonbelonged to Green algae, Diatomes, Cyanobacteriaand Euglenophyta were determined.Statistical analysis was carried out by PCA andUPGMA methods. The analysis of data by PCAshowed that first and second axis created 99%of changes alone. There were 3 completely distinctgroups of samples regarding the samplingseasons. The most effective physico- chemicalfactors influenced the phytoplankton communitieswere water transparency, EC and water temperature.
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Asadpourosalou, Y. A. , , Mohebbi, F. , , Seidgar, M. , and Ghezelbash, F. . "The Effects of Physico-Chemical Parameters on the Phytoplankton Population of Shahrchai Dam Reservoir (Uramia- Northwest Iran)", Plant, Algae, and Environment, 1, 2, 2017, 93-102.
Asadpourosalou, Y. A., Mohebbi, F., Seidgar, M., Ghezelbash, F. (2017). 'The Effects of Physico-Chemical Parameters on the Phytoplankton Population of Shahrchai Dam Reservoir (Uramia- Northwest Iran)', Plant, Algae, and Environment, 1(2), pp. 93-102.
Y. A. Asadpourosalou , F. Mohebbi , M. Seidgar and F. Ghezelbash, "The Effects of Physico-Chemical Parameters on the Phytoplankton Population of Shahrchai Dam Reservoir (Uramia- Northwest Iran)," Plant, Algae, and Environment, 1 2 (2017): 93-102,
Asadpourosalou, Y. A., Mohebbi, F., Seidgar, M., Ghezelbash, F. The Effects of Physico-Chemical Parameters on the Phytoplankton Population of Shahrchai Dam Reservoir (Uramia- Northwest Iran). Plant, Algae, and Environment, 2017; 1(2): 93-102.