Spirulina Production in Different Sources of Nitrogen


Industrial Microorganism Biotechnology Department, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Industrial Microorganism Biotechnology Department, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research(ACECR) , Khorasan Razavi, Mashhad, Iran


The Cyanobacteria Spirulina is an attractivetarget for its pigments, proteins, vitaminsand other high-value cell components. Also, itcan be easily and cheaply harvested by filtrationfrom the cultivation medium. In this studya simple protocol was developed for Spirulinaproduction by using different types of nitrogenin ammonium (Urea and (NH4)2SO4) andnitrate (KNO3, NaNO3) forms in combinationwith NPK fertilizer. Results demonstratedhigh amount of nitrogen in both forms inhibitedSpirulina growth. Ammonium showed astronger inhibitory role than nitrate in biomassproduction while increased phycocyanin content.Best phycocyanin content occurred inhigh ammonium or low nitrate concentration.In media based on 1% Urmia lake salt and 1g/LNPK, a combination of low concentration (0.1-0.5g/L) of Urea and (NH4)2SO4 obtained bestresults in biomass production. 1.2g/L biomassduring 14 days without any carbon source canbe compared with Zarrouk/2 medium. Thiscomposition can be used economically forSpirulina production since little amount ofcheap material make the possibility of Spirulinaproduction.


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