Bayesian Analysis of Population Structure and Gene Flow in Chara (Chryophyceae) Species


Faculty of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, University of Shahid Beheshti, Evin, Tehran, Iran


Chara is a morphologically variable genus.Molecular analysis (ISSR) of geneticdiversity and population structure was performedan Chara species. Population groupsidentified based on geographical provincesshowed a significant genetic difference, butMantel test did not show isolation by distancein the studied species. Bayesian analysisof population structure grouped Charaspecies in 2 distinct genetic groups differingin allelic composition and frequency.STRUCTURE analysis revealed genetic admixtureamong species which was supportedby reticulation analysis. Coalescence analysisshowed the occurrence of gene duplicationand extinction as possible evolutionarychanges along with polyploidy as the mainforces of speciation in the genus Chara.


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